70 year old male with shortness of breath
A 70 year old male was brought to the casualty with c/o of Fever since 6 days Breathlessness since 5 days Productive cough since 5 days History of presenting illness: patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 days back then he developed fever of high grade, intermittent, associated with chills and rigors, relieved with medication. Breathlessness since 5 days which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive to grade 4 since today morning. Productive cough with white mucoid sputum of moderate quantity, non foul smelling, not blood tinged No history of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, history of orthopnea present, no history ot decreased urine output, no history of pedal edema, no history of abdominal distension History of chest tightness, back pain No history of vomitings, loose stools, facial puffiness, burning micturition Past history: Patient is not a known case of htn, dm, asthma, cva, cad Known case of pulmonary tb 5 years back Used ATT 1.5 years back for 6 months History ...